Case nº First Appeal No. 476 Of 2017, (Against the Order dated 07/11/2016 in Complaint No. 131/2013 of the State Commission Karnataka) of NCDRC Cases, Tuesday May 16, 2017 (case Ms. Citi Green Farms (P) Ltd. Vs Rishikesh Borkotoky)

JudgeFor Appellant: Mr. Charudatta Mahindra Kar, Advocate
PresidentMr. D.K. Jain,President and Mrs. M. Shreesha,Member
Resolution DateTuesday May 16, 2017
Issuing OrganizationNCDRC Cases


  1. This First Appeal, under Section 19 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (for short "the Act"), by a Real Estate Developer, namely, M/s Citi Green Farms (P) Ltd., is directed against the order dated 07.11.2016, passed by the Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission at Bengaluru (for short "the State Commission") in Complaint Case No. 131 of 2013. By the impugned order, the State Commission has partly allowed the Complaint, preferred by the Respondent/Complainant, directing the Appellant herein to refund to the Complainant a sum of `75.00 Lakhs, deposited by him, with interest @ 12% p.a. from the date of receipt of the said amount till payment, besides `1,00,000/- as compensation and `25,000/- as litigation costs, within eight weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the said order.

  2. The circumstances, necessitating filing of the Complaint are as follows:

    2.1 Pursuant to the launch of a project, christened as "CG Garden Villas" by the Appellant, offering Villas in Ramadevavara Village, Chikkaballapur District, on 16.09.2010 an agreement to sell was entered into between the Complainant and the Appellant in respect of Villa No. 180, admeasuring 4400 sq. ft. As against the sale consideration of `2.00 Crores of the said Villa, the Complainant had paid a sum of `75.00 Lakhs to the Appellant at the time of entering into the said agreement. Though the Complainant was willing to pay the balance sale consideration but till the date of filing of the Complaint the construction work was not started by the Appellant. When the Complainant approached the Appellant for delivery of physical possession of the Villa, he was told that the construction work would start shortly. In this way, though...

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