First Appeal Nos. 828 and 858 of 2014. Case: Metro Motors Vs Krishan Lal and Ors.. Haryana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission

Case NumberFirst Appeal Nos. 828 and 858 of 2014
CounselFor Appellant: S.R. Bansal, Advocate and For Respondents: N.P. Sharma, Advocate
JudgesNawab Singh, J. (President), B.M. Bedi, Member (J) and Urvashi Agnihotri, Member
IssueConsumer Protection Act, 1986 - Section 12
CitationIV (2015) CPJ 22 (Har.)
Judgement DateThursday August 13, 2015
CourtHaryana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission


B.M. Bedi, Member (J)

  1. This order shall dispose of aforementioned two appeals bearing Nos. 828 and 858 of 2014 having arisen out of common order dated August, 22nd, 2014, passed by District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (for short 'District Forum'), Yamuna Nagar, in complaint No. 179 of 2010 filed by Krishan Lal. Krishan Lal-complainant (respondent No. 1 herein) purchased a car, Tata Marina LX Dicor make, on May 16th, 2007, from M/s. Metro Motors-opposite party No. 1, the authorized dealer of TATA Motors, that is, the manufacturer of the car. The warranty of the car was for 18 months. The car broke down on October 6th, 2009 and the same was towed to M/s. Metro Motors, Ambala Cantt. for repairs. The vehicle was inspected by the engineers and it was noticed that all four injectors were defective due to Fuel adulteration. Since the warranty period of the car had expired, so the complainant was informed...

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