Consumer Complaint No. 73 of 2011. Case: Maa Durga Rice Processing and Exports (P) Ltd. Vs Chief Regional Manager, Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. and Ors.. Orissa State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission

Case NumberConsumer Complaint No. 73 of 2011
JudgesR.N. Biswal, J. (President), G.P. Sahoo and Smarita Mohanty, Members
IssueConsumer Law
Judgement DateAugust 31, 2015
CourtOrissa State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission


Smarita Mohanty, Member

  1. The brief facts of the case of complainant] was that he had purchased one BMW 3 series Car for Rs. 24,40,000/- bearing no OR 04M 005 The vehicle was registered under RTO Chandikhole on 26.5.2010. The said car was insured under O.Ps. No. 1 & 2 Oriental Insurance Company vide policy No 345800/31/2011/1409 for the period from 19.5.2010 to midnight of 18.5.2011 for Rs. 22,80,000/- it was submitted that the said car met with an accident on 6.12.2010 which is within the insurance policy period. The diver of the car lodged an FIR before IIC Tangi Police Station on the date of accident Accordingly one PS case was registered vide no. 177/2010 Complainant also intimated O.Ps. Insurance Company and repairer regarding the accident Both insurer and repairer surveyed the vehicle at the spot Thereafter the said vehicle was shifted to the workshop of O.P. No. 3 at Kolkata for repair Complainant towed the damaged car from Cuttack to Kolkata The repairer demanded Rs. 23,00,000/- towards repairing cost of the said vehicle The repairer opined that the alignment rod cannot be repaired Complainant requested O.P. No. 2 vide letter dated 28.11.2011 to settle...

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