Inter-state analysis of manufacturing performance in India: 2001-02 to 2013-14.

AuthorSharma, Anand
PositionReport - Abstract


Achieving balanced regional growth and development forms a policy objective of all countries in the world. Policymakers attempt to achieve a balanced economic growth of all regions by reducing the extent of inter-regional disparities. The problem of regional disparities is pervasive, and its extent differs in various economies (Dholakia, 1985). These disparities are significantly greater in the case of less-developed countries, and hence the need to balance growth with equity is more important in these countries. Moreover, the serious social and political implications of regional disparities in growth and development have forced governments to intervene and formulate economic policies (Dholakia, 1985; Papola, Maurya& Jena, 2011).

In the case of India, several studies have documented the existence of wide inter-state disparities in economic growth and development (e.g., Sachs, Bajpai& Ramiah, 2002; Cherodian & Thirlwall, 2015; Lolayekar & Mukhopadhyay, 2016). The regional disparities in industrial development may further widen the overall regional disparities in economic growth and development. This widening may happen as there exists a high correlation between the economic growth of regions and industries (Rosenbloom & Sundstorm, 1997; Lall & Chakravorty, 2005). Therefore, it becomes imperative to examine the disparities in industrial growth and development at the regional level.

Economic theory does not provide clear-cut answers to the question of convergence or divergence in regional disparities in industrial growth and development. On the one hand, some scholars argue that regional disparities in industrial development may widen due to agglomeration externalities as some regions grow faster than the others (Papola et al., 2011). This may happen because of a close link between regional industrial growth and agglomeration of economic activities (Baldwin & Martin, 2004). Studies have established that agglomeration of industries in a region has a favorable effect on the growth of employment and productivity (e.g. Sveikauskas, 1975; Ciccone & Hall, 1996; Martin, Mayer & Mayneris, 2011). As a result, the regions with such industrial concentration of activities experience faster growth. On the other hand, regions, where such industrial agglomeration does not exist, may experience slower growth. Thus, regional divergence in industrial growth may result. Additionally, in the post-reform period, the decisions on industrial location are not guided by concerns of equity but rather by considerations of profit (Lall & Chakravorty, 2005; Gao, 2004). Regions with relatively better transport, infrastructure, and market access gain more than other regions (Lall & Chakravorty, 2005). Thus, regional industrial disparities may widen overtime.

The process of convergence in regional industrial and economic growth may result when industrial activities shift to less developed regions (Papola et al., 2011). This shift may occur because the concentration of industrial activities in a region may give rise to agglomeration diseconomies in the form of high rents, congestion and pollution costs. These diseconomies may cause the industries to move to other regions which then experience faster growth. This movement of industries leads to convergence in industrial growth among regions. Several economists like Kuznets (1958), Williamson (1965) and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992) also provide support for regional convergence hypothesis in their empirical studies.

The examination of regional disparities in industrial development in India is relevant in the phase of high industrial growth witnessed in post-2000 period. This paper examines the growth of manufacturing employment, value-added and labor productivity across 20 major states during 2001-02 to 2013-14. The paper also attempts to explain the reasons for the inter-state variations in the manufacturing performance.

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