General Appointment Order

Updated atMarch 2010

Ref. No. .................





Re: Appointment for the Post of.............

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to your application dated .......... and interview dated .......... you had with us, we have the pleasure, in offering you an appointment for the Post of ............ on the following terms and conditions:

  1. This appointment will take effect from ..........

  2. You will be on probation for a period of ...... months from the date of your joining the company. This period of probation can, however, be extended up to ......... year, as the company may deem fit in its sole discretion. On completion of this period, you may be confirmed, if your services are found satisfactory. Unless confirmed in writing, you will be deemed to be continuing on probation.

  3. If the company is not satisfied with your work and/or conduct, your services shall be liable to termination, without notice and/or assigning any reason whatsoever, at any time during or on completion of the probationary period.

  4. Duties and...

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