Form VAT 58 : Notice of Locking of Tax Identification Number

Updated atJuly 2011
[Form VAT-58
(See Rule 51A)
Notice of Locking of Tax Identification Number
Number of the person:________________ Date:__________
Tax Identification Number :_____________
It has been noticed that you have commit ted the following Offence(s) as per records avai lable in this
office: (Please, right mark, whichever is app licable in the appropriate box):-
(i) failed to file return for the tax period.................. ; or
(ii) knowingly furnished incomplete or incorrect information in the return furnished for the
tax period or the periods.................... ; or
(iii) failed to pay tax, interest and penalty due under the Act for the period or period(s)....... ;
(iv) failed to file the annual statement for the year .....................; or
(v) have failed to file returns corresponding to the transactions conducted by you as per the
information collection centre (ICC) date ................. ; or
(vi) not conducting business at the declared place at ............................ ; or
(vii) have failed to comply with the requirements of the notice issued on ..........................
Accordingly, your actions as referred to hereinbefore are prejudicial of the interest of revenue.
You are h ereby inf ormed th at your Ta x Identifi cation Nu mber ha s been l ocked. Ple ase note that
you are not entitled to move go ods for interstate transactions ti ll your compliance. However, you
are given an opportuni ty to produce such eviden ce, record or document relying on which you
intend to rebut the alleg ations. You are, therefore , directed to appear in p erson or through your
authorised rep resentative i n the office of th e undersigned at ..................... AM/PM ......... on and
produce such evidence, record or documents. If you fail to appear or cause appearance on the date
and time fixed and produce relevant evidence, records or documents, the Tax Identification
Number shall not be reopened till compliance..

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