Environmental Jurisprudence in India (Is People’s Attitude Under Its Purview?)

AuthorRavindra Kumar Verma
Published date01 December 2019
Date01 December 2019
Jurisprudence in India
(Is People’s Attitude
Under Its Purview?)
Ravindra Kumar Verma1
It is environmental laws that regulate the environmental protection bodies and
make them effective. With this view in mind, the article intends to examine
the environmental jurisprudence in India in terms of evolution, pattern of deli-
very of environmental justice and place of people’s attitude in the process. It was
found that the superior judicial bodies including National Green Tribunal have
set certain norms to deal with environmental cases against the polluters (mainly
government bodies and private firms), but not for day-to-day activities of the
people which pollute the environment sizeably. Besides, the article, on the basis
of empirical studies, finds that despite having been aware of the menace of the
environmental degradation and its gravity, people are less intended to be sensi-
tive towards the problem owing to three-pronged reasons: First, they perceive
environmental protection as the sole responsibility of state; second, sizeable of
them have no spare time out of their livelihood engagements; and third, lack of
leadership or community action at local level for the cause. The article prima
facie finds that environmental jurisprudence in India has inadequately addressed
the issue of people’s say and environmentally hostile people’s attitude towards
environmental protection in the process.
Environmental jurisprudence, superior judiciary, NGT, Pollution Control Boards
(PCBs), people’s attitude
In view of ever-deteriorating situation of environment despite the legal provi-
sions, it becomes imperative to examine the legal aspects of the environmental
Indian Journal of Public
65(4) 916–929, 2019
© 2019 IIPA
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0019556119889210
1 Department of Political Science, Raj Narain College Hajipur, Vaishali, Bihar, India.
Corresponding author:
Ravindra Kumar Verma, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Raj Narain College
Hajipur, Vaishali, Bihar 844101, India.
E-mail: rkverma395@gmail.com

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