
AuthorHaas, Tanni
PositionBrief article

It is with great pleasure and pride that I introduce this issue of the "International Journal of Communication," one of the oldest and most highly esteemed international communication journals. When Deepinder Bahri approached me about guest-editing an issue, I immediately accepted this unique opportunity to showcase the best of what the international community of communication scholars has to offer.

One of the strongest indicators of the vitality of communication studies as a discipline is the sheer breadth of topics explored. This issue is no exception. From Jane Chapman's article on the Indian novelist Arundhati Roy's involvement with the Narmada Dam controversy to James Schnell's article on the use of diplomacy following the emergency landing of a U.S. surveillance plane on Hainan Island in China, the contributors examine a fascinating and diverse array of communication-related topics. Perhaps even more impressively, the contributors come from around the globe, including...

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