Notice for loss, destruction, damage or deterioration of goods owned and accompanied by the passenger due to railway accident under section 124 of Chapter XIII, Railways Act, 1989 r.w. section 80 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 where the train belongs to the Northern Railway and accident took place in zone/vicinity of Southern Railway

Updated atMarch 2010









Regd. AD/UPC/Personal Delivery


The General Manager

Northern Railways, (in case of Zonal Railway); or

Union of India, (in case of any other Railway); or

The owner of the Railway



  1. The General Manager

    Southern Railways, (in case of Zonal Railway); or

    Union of India, (in case of any other Railway); or

    The owner of the Railway



    Legal Notice under section 106 of the Railways Act, 1989 and section

    80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908


    For and on behalf of my client(s),................................. R/o..........................., I have to serve you with the following legal notice:-

  2. That my above named client(s) got reserved berth of....... train [name, number and date of the train] at New Delhi Railway Station, Northern Railway, to go to Kanya Kumari Railway Station, Southern Railway vide ticket No................ dated............

  3. That the abovenamed train met with an accident due to which the luggage carried by my client(s) got damaged which was consisting of.................... [Explain the contents of the luggage, the type of accident, the probable reasons of the accident and the price of luggage so damaged/destroyed] have been damaged/destroyed.

  4. That my client(s) tried to contact you time and you time and again, personally as well as through their agents, but were never given an opportunity of even being heard.

  5. That having understood that my client(s) may not get an opportunity to even explain their grievances, they wrote a number of letters dated.................,................,............

  6. That...

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