Delhi VAT Circular No: 07 of 2017-18 (26-May-17) Grant of Registration under DVAT & CST

In continuation of Circular No.24 of 2016-17 dt. 23-02.2017 (issued vide No.F.3(521)/Policy/VAT/2015/1200-1205), on the issue of grant of online registration under DVAT/CST Act, it is clarified that in respect of dealers who have been issued Provisional Registration pursuant to earlier Circular No. 3 of 2015-16 dt. 27.04.2015 (upto the issuance of circular No.24 of 2016-17 dt. 23.02.2017), but the signed copy of registration certificate (DVAT-06) has not yet been issued due to pending VATI...

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