Declaration of Trust (Public)
Updated at | March 2010 |
Model Trust Deed for a Public Trust
(having the appearance of a social organization)
This Deed of Declaration of Trust is made at.............. this........ day of...............20.......,by M/s. (1).....................(2)...................... (3)...................... (4)..................... (5).................... all of......................Indian Inhabitants, hereinafter referred to as `The Trustees' (which expression shall be deemed to mean and include, the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs, executors and administrators of the last survivor of them Trustees or Trustee of the Trust hereby created) as follows:
The Trustees are possessed jointly of a sum of Rs.......
The Trustees desire to hold the said amount and all other amounts and other property, whether moveable or immoveable, including the investments by way of shares, fixed deposits, Government securities, bonds or debentures or in any other form that the Trustees may receive and hold by way of acquisition, donations, gifts or otherwise howsoever (hereinafter referred to as the Trust Fund) upon the Trusts and for the objects hereinafter mentioned.
The Trustees declare that they shall hereafter hold the said amount of Rs....... and the Trust Fund mentioned above for the time being on the Trusts for carrying out the objects and on and subject to the powers, provisions, terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned.
This Trust shall be known as "......................................... "
The area of operation of the Trust will be the whole of India but preferably in the State of........ and particularly within the limits of..... Municipal Corporation.
The Principal Office of the Trust will be situated at such a place as the Trustees may decide. The Trustees may open branches or local offices at different places within the area of operation.
The principal object of the Trust is to carry on cultural and charitable activities conducive to the secular character of the Indian Nation and to the advancement of national integrity, patriotism and discipline. For the purpose of or towards achieving the above principal object, the Trust shall have the following particular objects:
(a) To advance the cause of Indian music & dance in all forms, both Hindustani and Karnataka by holding music and dance programmes regularly or occasionally, particularly of nonprofessional artists, by conducting music and dance classes, schools or colleges and imparting the knowledge of music and dance by holding lectures, seminars, conferences on music and dance and by doing all other acts and things in the cause of music and dance being the arts which have a great cementing force among all people irrespective of caste, creed or religion and which are powerful
organs or agents in the achievement of national integrity and secularism.
(b) To write through or with the help of literary persons, of different aptitudes or classes, plays in..... and other languages on different topics, to translate plays written in different languages into other languages, or to convert plays or dramas into short plays or episodes or T.V. or Radio plays.
(c) To stage dramas in all forms by amateur artists or professionals, in different languages including all types of rural arts.
(d) To conduct classes or courses for the development of dramatic arts, including acting, stage settings and decorations, face painting or make-up.
(e) To hold meetings, conferences, seminars, discussions on different and current social subjects or events other than political.
(f) To help and encourage writing literary works, to conduct mobile or other libraries of books and periodicals and to advance the habit of reading and writing, and literacy in general.
(g) To carry on activities helpful to the society in general and to any individual or individuals in particular in the field of medical help, education, calamities, social awareness.
(h) To hold inter-State dialogues or meetings of artists, scholars, philosophers, technicians in different cultural scientific & philosophical subjects.
(i) To produce documentary films on social and cultural...
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