Death Penalty for Corruptors in Indonesian Human Rights Perspective
Author | Yaris Adhial Fajrin, Arista Putri Purnamasari, Ryvina Izza Rosyida, Dwi Faizah Maulidiyah |
Position | Lecturer at the Faculty of Law the Muhammadiyah University of Malang since 2011/Third-year student at the Univesity of Muhammadiyah Malang/Third year student at University of Muhammadiyah Malang/Graduated from SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sumenep, Madura |
Pages | 287-404 |
Review of The Death Penalty for Corruptors
Death Penalty for Corruptors from a Human
Rights Perspective in Indonesia
Yaris Adhial Fajrin1*, Arista Putri Purnamasari2, Ryvina Izza
Rosyida3, Dwi Faizah Maulidiyah4
1 2 3 4 Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
History of Article
Submitted : August 28, 2020
Revised : September 28, 2020
Accepted : October 31, 2020
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is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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All authors declared that there is no potential conflict of interest on publishing this article.
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All authors declared that this work is original and has never been published in any form
and in any media, nor is it under consideration for publication in any journal, and all sources
cited in this work refer to the basic standards of scientific citation.
Cite this article as:
Fajrin, Y. A., Purnamasari, A. P., Rosyida, R. I., & Maulidiyah, D. F. (2020). Death Penalty
for Corruptors in Indonesian Human Rights Perspective. Unnes Law Journal, 6(2), 287-
Jurnal Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang
Death Penalty for Corruptors from a
Human Rights Perspective in
Yaris Adhial Fajrin, Arista Putri Purnamasari, Ryvina Izza Rosyida,
Dwi Faizah Maulidiyah
ABSTRACT. The death penalty for corruptors, gaining a place in Indonesia's
positive criminal law. As a country that makes Pancasila an ideology, it is
interesting to be reviewed in this paper on the existence of the death penalty for the
corruptor from a human rights perspective in Indonesia. Therefore, the author raised
two issues, namely the first, how is the death penalty for corruptors in Indonesia's
positive law? second, what about the death penalty for such corruptors if reviewed
from a Human Rights perspective in Indonesia? To answer this, the authors chose
legal research with a normative approach as part of its research methods. Based on
the study obtained that the death penalty for corruptors does not conflict with
Indonesian human rights values, because it is seen as the most serious crime. Even
the formulation of the death penalty is currently seen as in line with the direction
and ideals of reforming Indonesia’s criminal law, which is increasingly humanist
and puts forward the purpose of justice and benefit.
KEYWORDS. Death penalty, corruption, criminal law, human rights in Indonesia.
Jurnal Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang
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