Writ Petition No. 5809 of 2017. Case: D. Ramesh and Ors. Vs State of A.P. and Ors.. High Court of Andhra Pradesh (India)

Case NumberWrit Petition No. 5809 of 2017
JudgesA. Rajasekhar Reddy, J.
IssueProperty Law
Judgement DateTuesday March 21, 2017
CourtHigh Court of Andhra Pradesh (India)


A. Rajasekhar Reddy, J.

  1. The case of the petitioners is that originally the land admeasuring Ac.3.07 cents in Sy. No. 8/1 of Bandameedakamma Palli Village, Madanapalli Mandal, Chittoor District was assigned in favour of one Palagiri Indrasena Raju under Ex-Servicemen quota through assignment in D-Form patta, dated 14.08.1984 and his name was mutated in the revenue records and pattadar passbooks and title deed were granted. As per G.O. Ms. No. 1117, Revenue (ASSGN-I) Department, dated 11.11.1993, G.O. Ms. No. 279 dated 04.07.2016, the Ex-servicemen are entitled to alienate the land assigned to them after the lapse of 10 years from the date of assignment and the said land should be deleted from the list of prohibited properties under Section 22-A of the Registration Act, 1908. Petitioners have purchased the subject land from Palagiri Indrasena Raju through sale deed dated 03.08.2016. Thereafter, with an intention to sell the to the 3rd parties, the petitioners approached the 5th respondent for submission of documents for registration, but the 5th respondent refused to entertain...

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