Curriculum Development in Public Administration in Bangladesh: Lessons from Experience of Others

AuthorNizam Ahmed
Published date01 June 2022
Date01 June 2022
Curriculum Development
in Public Administration
in Bangladesh: Lessons
from Experience of
Nizam Ahmed1
This article examines the process of curriculum development for Public
Administration in public universities in Bangladesh and explores the extent to
which Bangladesh can learn lessons from others’ experiences, especially from
countries in the South Asian region. The article compares and contrasts the cur-
riculum and courses offered by different departments of Public Administration
and explores reasons for variations. It also analyses measures adopted for the
modernisation of curriculum and identifies factors that are likely to retard the
progress towards change and improvement. The article argues that the wide-
spread autonomy that different universities enjoy has become counterproduc-
tive, leading to a decline in the standard of education and the politicisation of the
governing process in the universities. Everything now weighs in party political
terms. This, in turn, causes more harm than good. Bangladesh can try to learn,
especially from India’s experiences, how to stress on striking a balance between
autonomy to be enjoyed by universities and control to be exercised by the gov-
ernment/University Grants Commission (UGC) to ensure that the practice does
not differ much from the ideal.
Public Administration, syllabus, accreditation, NAAC, NASPAA
Public administration (PA), as a field of academic study, is relatively new. As a
separate discipline, it can be found only in a limited number of universities in a
Indian Journal of Public
68(2) 189–201, 2022
© 2022 IIPA
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/00195561211072427
1 Former Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Corresponding author:
Nizam Ahmed, Department of Public Administration, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331,

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