
Published date01 June 2019
Date01 June 2019
Agnihotri, A., & Verma, R. (2016). Design-based Approach in Social Science Research. Studies in Indian
Politics, 4(2), 241–248. (Original DOI: 10.1177/2321023016665537)
On page 246, in sub-section Instrumental Variable Approach, in the line:
‘However, the claim of causality rests on using an ‘instrument’ that is randomly assigned (or is ‘as-if’
random) and is correlated with the treatment variable while being independent of the outcome.’, the
word ‘outcome’ should be read as ‘error term’.
The error is deeply regretted.
Studies in Indian Politics
7(1) 130, 2019
© 2019 Lokniti, Centre for the
Study of Developing Societies
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/2321023019853695

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