Deed of Conveyance by a Lunatic through his Legal Guardian or manager

Updated atMarch 2010

Deed of conveyance made this of........between Mr ''X'' a Lunatic by his manager or guardian Mr ''Y'' hereinafter referred to as the vendor of the One Part and Mr.Z hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser'') of the Other Part


  1. The said Mr. ''X'' is a lunatic or person of unsound mind.

  2. On his becoming lunatic or of unsound mind his brother the said Mr''Y'' made an application to the Court at District for holding an inquisition on his lunacy under Chapter VI of the Mental Health Act 1987 and on the court passing an order for inquisition the necessary inquisition was made and by an order dated the day of --- passed by the court on such inquisition the said Mr''Y'' was appointed as the manager for the management of the properties of the said lunatic.

  3. The Lunatic Mr''X'' owns certain immoveable properties including the one situated at ....... consisting of a piece of land with an old house thereon and which is more particularly described in the schedule...

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