Broadcast License Agreement
Updated at | March 2012 |
This Broadcast License Agreement (hereafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between, ABC & CO............................................................ doing business as.................................................., (hereafter referred to as ABC & CO.), whose principal place of business is located at......................................, and........................................................ (hereafter referred to as "PROGRAMMER"), whose principal place of business is located at.................................................... The above entities shall be jointly referred to as the "Parties".
Grant of Rights: PROGRAMMER hereby grants to ABC & CO. license to broadcast the Program, entitled........................... approx.............. min. in length.................. series("Program"),......... episodes, unlimited runs commencing.......................... and running until.................................... The broadcast dates and times shall be more particularly determined by ABC & CO. according to its general broadcast schedule.
This grant of rights shall include, but not be limited to, the right of ABC & Co. to broadcast the Program in the Worldwide on all of ABC & CO. owned and affiliated television networks and stations, via domestic or foreign television signals, as well as through CATV and DBS systems, satellite broadcast, simultaneous internet broadcast, microwave, fiber optic, and/or other modes of broadcasting yet to be developed, but which may be utilized by ABC & CO. in the future.
The Program shall be delivered to ABC & Co. utilizing English as the primary language. ABC & Co. is hereby granted the rights to translate, and sub-title the Program into foreign languages as needed.
ABC & Co. is hereby granted the right to utilize up to three (3) minutes of footage from the Program for the promotional and marketing purposes related to the broadcast of the Program.
Consideration: ABC & CO. shall grant one (1) Thirty Second (30) promotional spot (the "Spot") to be played within 90 min. prior or after the actual airing of the Program. The spot may contain only the address, telephone number and/or web address for information only regarding promotion of the ministry of PROGRAMMER or any video of the Program and how to acquire same. The spot shall not contain pricing for any product. Likewise, PROGRAMMER shall not utilize the body of the Program by mentioning any products, website, or make other...
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