Book Review: Julien Chaisse, Tomoko Ishikawa and Sufian Jusoh (Eds.), Asia’s Changing International Investment Regime: Sustainability, Regionalization, and Arbitration

AuthorRahul Choudhury,Pravin Jadhav
Published date01 August 2019
Date01 August 2019
Book Review
Julien Chaisse, Tomoko Ishikawa and Sufian Jusoh (Eds.), Asia’s Changing
International Investment Regime: Sustainability, Regionalization, and
Arbitration. Singapore: Springer, 2017, 260 pp., $149.99, ISBN: 978-981-
Asia’s Changing International Investment Regime: Sustainability, Regionalization
and Arbitration is a collection of scholarly works that span over a wide range of
contemporary issues in international economics and investment regime. In today’s
international investment discourse, issues like sustainable investment, regional
co-operation on investment and investment disputes, which further leads to arbi-
tration, plays a significant role, and this book adequately addresses these issues.
The book contributes three major and distinct aspects of the subject concern. First,
exploring the current investment regime in the Asia and Pacific region, second, it
examines the efforts to increase investment and efforts to improve governance
and inclusive growth, and finally, settling investment disputes through an arbitra-
tion process under the framework of the International Centre for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes. The book also lays down a set of strong theoretical founda-
tions to undertake further research. This book has 14 chapters, which are dis-
cussed sequentially here.
In the first chapter, the editors introduce the subject to the readers and state the
objectives and motivation of their work. They also offer a brief description of the
chapters in the book.
The second chapter examines the role played by FDI and describes the evolu-
tion of international investment laws. It mentions how developed countries his-
torically promote and influence the policies to protect the rights of their investors.
The issue of conflict of interest between investor and investee country is also
discussed in this chapter. The author argues that investment arbitration is a crucial
feature of foreign investment protection as it offers access to an unbiased environ-
ment for the settlement of investment disputes. The chapter also mentions the
emergence of the Asia Pacific region as a destination for foreign investment.
Mentioning the major engagements of the Asian countries in the various invest-
ment protection treaties, the chapter raised some concerns about the same and
cites some of the prominent disputes between the states and the corporate
The third chapter describes how the pattern of FDI flows has changed over
time from the developed world to the developing nations. The chapter analysed
Foreign Trade Review
54(3) 264–268, 2019
©2019 Indian Institute of
Foreign Trade
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0015732519851644

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