Bank Guarantee

Updated atMarch 2010

Reference No................ of

Suit No........... of 2000

In the Court of.......................

................ Plaintiff


............. Defendant

Bank Guarantee of...........

Know all men by these presents that I/we................... son of.................... by occupation................... residing at No.................Mumbai (hereinafter called the defendant and Bank of.......... a body corporated and constituted incorporated under the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act of 1970 and carrying on banking business amongst other places at................ and having its registered office............... outside the jurisdiction of this court (hereinafter called the bank) are jointly and severally held and firmly bounded unto Sri.............. the District Judge/Registrar of the.......... Court at................ his successor or successors-in-office and assigns in the sum of Rs.................. (Rupees................) only of good and lawful money of the Union of India to be paid to the said Sri............. (hereinafter called the District Judge/Registrar) his successor or successors-in-office and assigns as the case may be for which payment well and truly to be made I/we the.............. and we the Bank for ourselves and our...

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