Letters Patent Appeal No. 372 of 2016. Case: Ashfaque Ahmad Vs The State of Bihar and Ors.. High Court of Patna (India)

Case NumberLetters Patent Appeal No. 372 of 2016
CounselFor Appellant: Purushottam Kumar Jha, Sandhya Mishra and Sweta Kumari, Advocates and For Respondents: Sushil Kr. Singh, AC to AAG
JudgesHemant Gupta, Actg. C.J. and Sudhir Singh, J.
IssueService Law
Judgement DateThursday February 02, 2017
CourtHigh Court of Patna (India)


Hemant Gupta, Actg. C.J.

  1. The challenge in the present Letters Patent Appeals is to an order passed by the learned Single Bench on 29th of October, 2015 in C.W.J.C. No. 19013 of 2014 whereby, writ of mandamus claimed by the appellant for appointment on the post of Headmaster remained unsuccessful.

  2. Three advertisements were issued inviting applications for appointment to the post of Headmasters. The first advertisement is Advertisement No. 31 of 2005 in respect of 99 vacancies to be filled up from the general category candidates, Advertisement No. 32 of 2005 inviting applications for 48 vacancies and Advertisement No. 01 of 2007 inviting applications for 347 candidates from the general category candidates. The appellant has filed an application for appointment in respect of advertisement No. 1 of 2007 as a general category candidate. The result in pursuance of such advertisement was declared on 5th of April, 2014 (Annexure 6). The names of 347 candidates were recommended against the general category candidates, out of which up to 336 are of the general category...

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