F.A. No. 992 of 2013. Case: Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Vs A. Vikram Kumar. Andhra Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission

Case NumberF.A. No. 992 of 2013
CounselFor Appellant: Mr. J. Prabhakar, Advocate and For Respondents: Party-in-Person
JudgesGopala Krishna Tamada, J. (President), T. Ashok Kumar and S. Bhujanga Rao, Members
IssueConsumer Law
CitationII (2014) CPJ 141 (AP)
Judgement DateThursday April 10, 2014
CourtAndhra Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission


Gopala Krishna Tamada, J. (President)

  1. A.P. Rajiv Swagruha Corporation is the appellant and this appeal is directed against the orders dated 3.6.2013 made in C.C. No. 3/2012 on the file of District Forum, Ranga Reddy District whereby the District Forum awarded interest at the rate of 18% p.a. as claimed by the complainant i.e. respondent herein. The brief facts which led the complainant to approach the District Forum are as under:

    The appellants are selling flats under Rajiv Swagruha Scheme and the respondent/complainant paid processing fee of Rs. 5,000 along with an application for two-bed room flat. Pursuant thereto, the appellant addressed a letter on 5.11.2008 informing the respondent that he was allotted a flat and the tentative, cost of the said flat would be Rs. 13,00,000 and the said amount should be paid in three instalments. According to the complainant, he paid the entire consideration...

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