Administrative Responsiveness in Ease of Doing Business

AuthorSachin Chowdhry
Published date01 September 2020
Date01 September 2020
Responsiveness in
Ease of Doing Business
Sachin Chowdhry1
Ease of doing business is an integrated approach to improve delivery of various
services for running an enterprise through regulatory reforms. Several parameters
have been identified by the World Bank, which ranks 190 countries, including India,
based on the reform initiatives undertaken by them. India has made significant
progress in the rankings. However, there are still areas where there is huge
scope for improvement. Despite the political push, it is the responsiveness of the
administrative system that holds the key. Indian bureaucracy is often blamed for
its ‘personnel, paperwork, and process’ orientation. This article is an attempt to
analyse the response of the bureaucracy in four select parameters: (a) starting a
business, (b) getting electricity, (c) registering property and (d) getting credit. The
rationale behind their selection is that, though all businesses have to negotiate the
processes, these four have direct interface with the service delivery agencies, and
there is greater measurability of their responsiveness in general.
Responsiveness, public service delivery, ease of doing business
Responsiveness in Public Service Delivery
Administrative responsiveness ought to be the basis for designing public service
delivery arrangements. Friedman (2009) noted that the responsiveness is the
effort that is made by a government agency to provide helpful, expeditious service
to the public. Responsiveness is considered as one of the fundamental principles
of governance (United Nations, 2015). ‘Bureaucracy responsiveness, or public
responsiveness, refers to the extent that administrators can track public interests
Indian Journal of Public
66(3) 283–296, 2020
© 2020 IIPA
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0019556120953710
1 Indian Institute of Public Administration, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi, India.
Corresponding author:
Sachin Chowdhry, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 110002,

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