Affidavit of process-server to accompany return of a Summons or Notice

Updated atDecember 2009

The Affidavit of ...................................................., son of ....................................... I ................................. make oath/affirm and say as follows:-

(1) I am a process-server of this Court.

(2) On the ............... day of ............... 20 ....... I received a summons/notice .............. issued by the Court of ...................... in Suit No. .................... of 20........ in the said Court, dated the ................... day of ............. 20 ......... for service on ...............

(3) The said ............. was at the time personally known to me, and I served the said Summons/Notice on him/her on the ............... day of ........... 20 ......., at about ............ O''clock in the .................... noon at .............. by tendering a copy thereof to him/her and requiring his/her signature to the original summons/notice:

(a) Here state whether the person served signed or refused to sign the process, and in whose presence.

(b) Signature of process-server.


(1) The said ............. Not being personally known to me ................... Accompanied me to .................... and pointed out to me a person whom he stated to be the said ....................., and I served the said summons/notice on his/her on the ................. day of ................. 20 .......... at about ..............O''clock in the ...................... noon at ................. by tendering a copy thereof to him/her and requiring his/her signature to the original summons/notice:

(a) Here state whether the person served signed or refused to sign the process, and in whose presence.

(b) Signature of process-server.


(2) The said ......................... and the house in which he ordinarily resides being...

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