Vol. 52 No. 4, April 2017
- Labor justice in global manufacturing: new actors for revitalizing industrial relations.
- The changing role of state in industrial relations & social protection.
- Inter-state analysis of manufacturing performance in India: 2001-02 to 2013-14.
- Mangalore air disaster: learning for organizational leadership.
- Legislation & reaction from the street.
- Flexible staffing practices in Dubai: a study with reference to Atkinson's model.
- Abuse of women: causes, consequences & Prevention--a survey of college going youth.
- HRD climate in Indian banks: an urban rural comparison.
- Management of education for entrepreneurship: conceptual foundation for practice & research.
- A multi-dimensional scale for measuring employer brand.
- Predicting employee engagement, knowledge sharing & OCB.
- Mentoring experiences: a study of Indian public sector professionals.
- Professional commitment of Indian nursing employees with reference to geographic diversity.