No. 9-1, June 2021
- Book Review: Jason Keith Fernandes, Citizenship in a Caste Polity: Religion, Language and Belonging in Goa
- Book Review: Jennifer Bussell. Clients and Constituents: Political Responsiveness in Patronage Democracies
- Book Review: Jyotiprasad Chatterjee and Suprio Basu. Left Front and After: Understanding the Dynamics of Poriborton in West Bengal and Suman Nath. People-Party-Policy Interplay in India: Micro-dynamics of Everyday Politics in West Bengal, c. 2008–2016
- Book Review: Madhav Khosla. India’s Founding Moment: The Constitution of a Most Surprising Democracy
- Book Review: Ujjwal Kumar Singh and Anupama Roy. Election Commission of India: Institutionalising Democratic Uncertainties
- Can the Popular Disembody Populism? Students and the Re-appropriation of the Nationalist Floating Signifier in Contemporary Indian Politics
- Engendering Political Labour: Findings from a Kerala Village
- Generations of Constitutional Studies
- Introduction to Special Section on the Politics of Knowledge in Development
- Is Politics Going Casteless? A dialogue with Politically Untied Jatis in North India
- Politics of Knowledge in Development: Explorations in Seed Sovereignty
- Religious Subjectivities and Digital Collectivities on Social Networking Sites in India
- State, Floods and Politics of Knowledge: A Case of the Mahananda Basin of Bihar
- Technology and Collective Action Event Size: Lessons for India
- The Politics of Knowledge in Development: An Analytical Frame
- Two Strands of Nationalism: A Narrative on the Mizo War of Independence