No. 56-1, January 2019
- Alliance Index: Measuring Alignments in International Relations
- Book Review: Jean Dreze, Sense and Solidarity: Jholawala Economics for Everyone
- Book Review: John Theodore, Jonathan Theodore and Dimitrios Syrrakos, The European Union and the Eurozone Under Stress: Challenges and Solutions for Repairing Faultlines in the European Project
- Book Review: Priya Chacko, Indian Foreign Policy: The Politics of Postcolonial Identity from 1947 to 2004
- Book Review: Vincenzo Bianco (Ed.), Analysis of Energy Systems: Management, Planning and Policy
- Is Neorealism a Deterministic Theory of International Relations?
- The 1970s and 2008: Theorizing Benchmark Dates for Today’s Decentred Global Order
- The Trump Divide and Partisan Attitudes Regarding US Foreign Policy: Select Theoretical and Empirical Observations