No. 55-2, April 2018
- Book Review: Anne-Marie Slaughter, The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of Connection in a Networked World
- Book Review: Ashok Sharma, Indian Lobbying and Its Influence in US Decision Making
- Book Review: Diarmuid Torney, European Climate Leadership in Question: Policies Toward China and India
- Book Review: Manmohini Kaul and Anushree Chakraborty (Eds), India’s Look East to Act East Policy: Tracking the Opportunities and Challenges in the Indo-Pacific
- Book Review: Nandakumar Janardhanan, Girijesh Pant and Ravi B. Grover (Eds), Resurgence of Nuclear Power: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia
- Book Review: Svein S. Andersen, Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter (Eds), Energy Union: Europe’s New Liberal Mercantilism?
- Book Review: Yogendra Kumar (Ed.), Whither Indian Ocean Maritime Order? Contributions to a Seminar on Narendra Modi’s SAGAR Speech
- Regional Integration in Services in South Asia
- Socio-economic and Political Determinants of Terrorism in Pakistan
- The Jews
- Western and Islamic International Theories
- Why Obama’s Rebalance towards Asia-Pacific Was Unsuccessful?