No. 63-2, June 2017
- Book Review: A. R. Nanda, Bureaucrazy—The Razor’s Edge
- Book Review: Bidyut Chakrabarty and Prakash Chand, Public Administration in a Globalizing World
- Book Review: Kamal Nayan Kabra and Vrajaindra Upadhyay, Plutocracy, Cronyism & Populism
- Book Review: Nisid Hajari, Midnight’s Furies: The Deadly Legacy of India’s Partition
- Editorial
- Governance of Development Assistance: Issues and Challenges
- Improving Urban Infrastructure
- Interrogating the Maoists and the Indian State: A Study of Salwa Judum in Bastar
- Measuring the Quality of Union Budgets: Need to Go beyond the Deficit Measures
- People’s Movement in Odisha: An Assessment
- Public Procurement: A Competition Perspective
- Right to Information Act, 2005 in India: A Decadal Experience
- The Roadmap for Enhancing University–Industry Research Collaboration in India