McDermott Will & Emery (JD Supra India)
4 results for McDermott Will & Emery (JD Supra India)
Foreign Investment in India: What Foreign Investors Need to Know
India, one of the world’s largest economies, remains an attractive market for foreign direct investment (FDI). Since 1991, the Indian FDI legal and regulatory framework has seen continuous reforms. Foreign investors can invest in most sectors of the Indian economy without the Government of India’s (GOI) prior approval. The two channels are commonly referred to as the “automatic route” and the “app
India Shows a Way
Mr. Akhilesh Ranjan, Joint Secretary Ministry of Finance, and also Competent Authority for the Government of India, spoke this past week at the Pacific Rim Tax Institute, February 19-20, reaffirming India’s commitment to a new non-adversarial tax regime to encourage foreign investment and fair treatment of taxpayers. Mr. Ranjan’s appointment, coupled with several key administrative enactments,...
India at the Crossroads
India possesses a dynamic and growing economy—one its government portrays as business friendly—and actively encourages continued foreign direct investment. At the same time, aggressive transfer pricing enforcement, including several administrative and high court rulings, suggests a far different business environment, one that is contrary to traditional international tax norms, posing a conundrum
India: General Anti-Avoidance Rule Continues to Take Shape
Many countries are continuing to embrace anti-abuse rules for cross-border transactions that pose material hurdles for global tax planning. India provides an example of the issues that multinationals must factor into their tax planning structures.