Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources (Books and Journals)
853 results for Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources (Books and Journals)
- A Space for Dignity: The Vantage of Capability Approach.
- Mediation of Personality in the Relationship Between Organizational Roles & Motivation: A Study on ASHA Workers.
- Union Wage Effects on Contract Labor.
- Best Practices for Effective Talent Management in the Manufacturing Industry.
- Workplace Spirituality, Work-related Attitudes & Organizational Performance: Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture's Elements.
- Consequences of Employees' Employer Brand Perceptions: Test of a Serially Mediated Path Model.
- Succession Planning Practices for Employee Retention: A Case Study of Private Banks in Ethiopia.
- Impact of Glass Ceiling Factors on Women Career Development in IT Companies in Sri Lanka.
- The Perception of Impacts of Work from Home on Employee Well-being.
- Performance of Indian Automobile Industry: An Economic Analysis.
- HUL (Kodaikanal) Plant's Environmental Degradation & Workers' Battle for Compensation: A Case Study.
- Culture Fitment Based Hiring: Are Recruiters Happy?
- Budget 2023, Financial Markets & Keynes on Interest Rates: A Study of Short-term Reactions.
- Restaurant Waiters: The Precariat Before & During the Pandemic Times in Gujarat.
- Leader-Member Exchange & Its Impact on Relationship Conflict: A Generational Study.
- Prediction Efficacy of Intra-group Merger & Acquisition Deals: Evidence from India.
- Happiness of University Employees: Past, Present & Future.
- Gig Workers--Independent Contractors or Employees?
- Happiness-LMX Relationship: Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support & Resilience.
- Positive Practices Instrument: An Examination of the Factor Structure & Criterion-Related Validity.
- Gender Neutral Workplaces in India for Women's Career Advancement.
- Social Security for Unorganized Workers in India: Still a Long Journey Ahead.
- Impact of Digital Infrastructure on Indian Economic Growth.
- Antecedents of Employees' Augmented Personal Industry & Reduced Intentions to Quit: A Field Investigation in India.
- Coping Strategy, Hardiness & Stress Tolerance of Millennial Bank Executives in India.
- The Pulse of Gen Y in India: An Exploratory Study on Dimensions of Employer Attractiveness.
- Quality of Work & Job Satisfaction Among Health Workers: Moderating Effect of Corona Fear.
- Building Strong Employer Brand via Electronics Word-of- Mouth in the 'New Normal'.
- Employees' Organizational Culture & Support Perceptions & Organizational Identification: A Field Investigation in India.
- Entrepreneurial Intention Among Engineering Students: Mediating Effect of Locus of Control.
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