IT Law (Books and Journals)
2 results for IT Law (Books and Journals)
Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement: Is It Able To Reduce Traffic Violations?
The practice of law enforcement on traffic violations committed by law enforcement officers is currently not enough to satisfy the expectations of the community. Problems often occur in current law enforcement practices, including vulnerability to corruption and convoluted bureaucracy in dealing with the process of law enforcement, especially for traffic violations. The practice of law...
Sengketa Kawasan Hutan Lindung Antara Perhutani Dengan Masyarakat Desa Kemloko Kecamatan Tembarak Kabupaten Temanggung
Penetapan status kawasan hutan Petak 23 KPH Kedu Utara seluas ± 141 hektar sebagai hutan lindung masih menjadi pro kontra di masyarakat sekitar kawasan tersebut. Masyarakat setempat mengklaim bahwa lahan kawasan hutan lidung tersebut merupakan lahan yang diperoleh secara turun temurun dari warisan nenek moyang mereka. Meski sudah ada Putusan MA, namun masih tetap terdapat kendala dalam...